Nebraska’s Medicinal Cannabis Act (LB 474) and Nebraska Statutes Chapter 28 § 472
Physician Statement and Recommendation Letter for Medical Cannabis
Category: Nurse Courtney Blog
Nurse Courtney’s current thoughts, recent articles and latest updates all here for your pleasure…
DIY Pedialyte!
Just 6 tsps of sugar + 1/2 tsp salt = 5 c water at 30ml per hour is all thats needed to keep a small child hydrated with severe nausea and vomiting.
Heroin Addiction: A Fashionable History
Heroin addiction has increased across the US in most age groups, and all income levels. But, the greatest increase in Heroin addiction is the least suspect for Heroin use; White males, 18 – 44. Today, Heroin use has undergone a demographic shift; the new Heroin addict is more apt to be white male, younger, privately insured and with a much higher income than the image one usually associates with Heroin use.