Introduction to Holistic Nursing.
About Lesson

What makes holistic nursing practice a specialty?

The philosophy, body of knowledge and a set of advanced nursing skills applied to practice which recognizes the totality of the human being and the interconnectedness of body, mind emotions, spirit, energy, society, culture, relationships, context, egocentric view and environment. 

Philosophically, holistic nursing is a worldview and a way of being in the world. It is far more than just a mere healing modality. It is a philosophy which honors the uniqueness of all people regardless of who they are. Holistic nursing meets people right where they are and recognizes no matter the circumstance, they are still a whole being. (Mariano, 2014)

Holistic nurses hold a professional ethic of caring and healing that preserves the inherent wholeness and dignity of self and others.

Holistic nurses support human dignity and rights by adhering to the Patient Bill of Rights, the AHA Guide to the Code of Ethics for Nurses:Interretation and Application and the AHNA Position statement on Holistic Nursing Ethics.

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